What you will see
Restrictions, Sandy bottom, Sea Life, Wreck
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The “Comandante Hermenegildo Capelo Frigate" is the second frigate in a group of four ships ordered in 1964 by the Portuguese Navy. From the time when it was brought into effective service by the Portuguese Navy on 26th April 1968, it took part in several missions in Africa, in various national and international exercises, search and rescue missions and also inspection of the exclusive economic zone. It also undertook voyages for the instruction of naval college trainees.
This shipwreck is part of the Ocean Revival Project which was created with the intention of promoting Algarve's underwater tourism, making it an exceptional destination. There are three other sunken ships that are part of this project: "Corveta Oliveira e Carmo", "Patrulha Zambeze" and "Navio Hidrográfico Almeida e Carvalho".
This is definitely a shipwreck worth being explored! The lower decks are only accessible to experienced divers as it is necessary to have good buoyancy control to not raise sediments.
However, there is still a lot to explore on the superior decks. This is where you will find an abundance of marine life. We can observe several shoals of fish namely Triggerfish and Seabream that almost act like "dive guides" as they accompany us throughout the entire dive like true hosts of this wreck!
-- Photos by: Cláudio Dias, Miguel MIranda and Pedro Bernardo